The following acts shall be regarded as infringements of industrial designs:
According to Vietnam IP Law, the use of a patent means the performance of the following acts:
ELITE: Before the VNIPO issues a decision to reject an application, refuse to grant a protection title, or grant a protection title, an applicant may convert a patent application into a utility solution patent application, or vice versa.
ELITE: A request for application conversion must include:
ELITE: Paper applications can be submitted directly or by post to the following VNIPO:
If filing by post, a copy of the money transfer receipt must be attached as proof of payment.
ELITE: After receiving a valid request for application conversion, the VNIPO will continue handling the converted application according to relevant procedures. However, it will not repeat any steps that have already been completed before the conversion request was made.
ELITE: Divisional applications undergo a formality examination and are processed according to the stages of the procedure that have not yet been completed for the parent application.
ELITE: A divisional patent application must include:
ELITE: Paper applications can be submitted directly or by post to one of VNIPO:
If applying by post, the applicant must include a copy of the Money Transfer Receipt as proof of payment.
ELITE: Before the VNIPO issues a decision to reject an application, refuse to grant a protection title, or grant a protection title, an applicant may divide their application either on their own initiative or upon the VNIPO’s request. A divisional application must be assigned a new serial number but retain the filing date and priority date, if applicable.
ELITE: Before the VNIPO issues a decision on the rejection of an application, refusal to grant a protection title, or grant of a protection title, the applicant may amend the application on their own initiative or upon the request of the VNIPO.
ELITE: A patent/utility solution transfer application must include:
ELITE: A request for application amendments must include:
ELITE: The applicant may choose paper filing or online filing through the VNIPO’s online public service portal, specifically as follows:
ELITE: According to Article 110, and Article 119 of the Vietnam Intellectual Property Law 2005 (Amended and supplemented in 2009, 2019, 2022), from the date on which the registration application is received by the VNIPO, the registration application of an invention or utility solution shall be examined in the following order:
ELITE: Before the VNIPO issues a Decision to refuse to accept a valid application, a refusal to grant protection decision, or granting a protection title decision, the applicant may request the VNIPO to record the change of the applicant based on assignment, inheritance, succession or decision of a competent authority.
In addition, you can also prepare other documents if available:
ELITE: According to Article 59 of Vietnam IP Law in 2005 (Amended and supplemented in 2009, 2019, 2022), The following subject matters shall not be protected as inventions:
ELITE: According to Article 58.2 of Vietnam IP Law in 2005 (Amended and supplemented in 2009, 2019, 2022), stipulates as follows:
ELITE: According to Article 16.3.b Circular 23/2023/TT-BKHCN, stipulates as follows:
Technical solution – the object protected under the name of an invention is a set of necessary and sufficient information on technical methods and/or technical means (application of natural laws) that is intended to solve a problem.
Technical solutions may be in one of the following forms:
ELITE: According to Article 4.12, and Article 58.1 of Vietnam IP Law in 2005 (Amended and supplemented in 2009, 2019, 2022), stipulates as follows:
ELITE: After receiving a valid request for application conversion, the VNIPO will continue handling the converted application according to relevant procedures. However, it will not repeat any steps that have already been completed before the conversion request was made.
ELITE: According to Vietnam Intellectual Property Law amended in 2022 (Article 96), invention, utility solution patent may be canceled by the NoIP in the following:
According to Vietnamese regulations, if a patent/utility solution is partly cancellated or entirely cancellated in those cases mentioned above, entirely or partly of the Patent/Utility solution patent will be invalidated from the grant date of the protection tile.
ELITE: Required documents of an appeal against a Decision on refusal of granting a Patent are as follows:
ELITE: According to regulations (Art. 28 and Art. 37 of the Law on Appeal in 2011), the time limit for resolving the first-time Appeal against the Decision on refusal to grant a Patent for an invention application at NOIP must not exceed 30 days from the acceptance date of the Appeal; for complicated cases, the time limit for resolving/settlement may be prolonged, but must not exceed 45 days from the acceptance date. The time limit for resolving a second-time Appeal must not exceed 45 days from the acceptance date of the Appeal; for complicated cases, the time limit for resolving may be prolonged, but must not exceed 60 days from the acceptance date.
ELITE: The purpose of filing an appeal against the Decision on the refusal of granting a Patent for an invention application is to protect the Invention Applicant’s legitimate rights and interests by the law, specifically, requesting the NOIP to reconsider and withdraw the previous refusal Decision and issue a fresh Decision to grant a Patent for the Appellant.
ELITE: An appeal against a Decision on the refusal of granting a Patent for an invention registration means that the Invention Applicant having such a refusal Decision issued by the National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam (NOIP) requests the NOIP to reconsider and withdraw such refusal decision if there are sufficient legal grounds to prove that this Decision is contrary to law provisions, directly infringing upon the Invention Applicant’s legitimate rights and interests.